Liberty's Ledger: The Walter Hudson Collection
Under one-party rule, Minnesota has become a vanguard of state-enforced cultural Marxism. Standing against the tide, Walter Hudson fights aggressively to thwart the Left's advance and restore lost liberties. This podcast archives his frequent media appearances, interviews, speeches, and some original content.
Walter Hudson serves in the Minnesota House of Representatives, representing Rockford Township, Hanover, St. Michael, Albertville, and much of Otsego. A grassroots activist turned public servant, Walter seeks truth, follows evidence, and tracks arguments to their rational conclusion. Before being elected to the Minnesota House, Walter was a city council member in Albertville, Minnesota. former host of 'Closing Argument with Walter Hudson' on Twin Cities News Talk AM 1130, former contributor to PJ Media, and former associate editor with the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Liberty's Ledger: The Walter Hudson Collection
Jon Justice - Illegal Immigration, Abortion, and the Bizarre Tie in the MN House
State Representative Walter Hudson joins Jon Justice on Twin Cities News Talk AM 1130 along with fellow guest and RNC committeeman AK Kamara to discuss several topics including Minnesota's "resistance" to President Trump's deportations, the dehumanizing "pro-choice" argument, and the bizarre historic situation in the Minnesota House where both parties hold a tie under the shadow of election irregularities, a pending felony trial for a sitting Democrat senator, and a credible accusation of a fraudulent affidavit for candidacy from a newly "elected" House member.